Thursday, March 8, 2007

Ask Mr. 60

Mr. 60% is proud to introduce a new feature to Cycopaths: unsolicited answers to other website's mail.
Yes, you read that right! We're going to gank letter's to the editor from other websites, reprint them here, and answer these people's burning questions.

All without authorization!

But don't worry, our lawyers are working night and day to keep us safe from litigation!

Our first letter is taken from VeloNews:

Dear VeloNews, There was a time I loved the sport of cycling. I raced for 17 years, not for money or glory but because I loved and love cycling. The events of the past few years, with doping and courtroom drama have left me a bit weak in the knees. What the hell is going on? Cycling in now more about lawyers, suits and appeals than it is about racing. I'm sorry, but I am not interested in this sport, I'm not a lawyer, I'm a cyclist. It's sad to say, but i don't even care any more. I just ride my bike now. I could not care less about who wins which race any more until the lawyers get their hands out of it and racers take responsibility for their own problems. Thank you for your time. I will be riding my bike. Take the media BS if you would rather do that than ride. As far as I'm concerned, the true sport of cycling is dead. Who won or will win that last tour. Exactly! its kinda stupid any more isn't it.? I bought a kayak to replace my doped up bike.
Alex Strouhal Sarasota, Florida

Exactly, Alex! How stupid any more isn't it!
While we imagine how difficult it is to ride your bike around so many lawyers (in suits!) in beautiful downtown Sarasota, we disagree with your obituary on the 'true sport of cycling.' It continues to live on as a paraplegic, but there is still hope. We expect to restore feeling and mobility using stem cells taken from the Operacion Puerto blood bags.
The eloquent prose and the purity of your sentiment expressed in your letter is reason enough for cycling to go on living. Our suggestion to you is that you continue working towards your G.E.D. and that you help ween your bike off of the drugs. And remember: don't be an enabler.

The dark side of cycling.

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