Monday, June 18, 2007

New Jersey hates cycling, common sense

Apparently New Jersey thinks that quick-release wheels are a big problem. So big, that it's more important for lawmakers to ban them than to, say, pay attention to mathematics education or crime (unless of course you consider making it more difficult to steal wheels to be crime-fighting).


How children are being harmed by quick-release wheels is unclear. What is totally clear is that politicians have no @#$%ing clue, more so than usual, when bicycles are the issue. Cyclist killed on 9W [major cycling route out of NYC -Ed.]? Ban bikes from riding there! Children need saving from QR wheels? Ban them! (the wheels, not the children, though that may not be far behind -- can't be harmed if they're banned, right? it just makes sense). In any case, we recommend the Welsh "harness of oranges" as a safety device:

Anything for the children


mr60% said...

I've always preferred cucumbers to quick releases when dealing with children.
Besides, it's always more fun to release slow and long...

Anonymous said...

LOL, you expect common sense from POLITICIANS ?!? A rusted door knob has more common sense and more intelligence than a politician.

Welcome to the nanny states. Soon, when it comes to this particular area of the States, we'll all be plugged into life support machines and feeding tubes and kept in a quarantine area because anything else is too dangerous and they have to protect us from ourselves.... ugh makes me sick...

former CU & NYC resident