Sunday, March 25, 2007

Freire wins MSR; Spain Unimpressed

Three time world champion Oscar Freire won yesterday's Milano-San Remo in impressive style. He may have just stayed home and played with his stuffed animals for all that the Spanish seemed to care.
Unless you're leading a Grand Tour, Spaniards don't really notice cyclists. Just ask fellow Costa Brava resident Juan Antonio Flecha (the Cycopaths keep a summer home there -ed). He could win Paris-Roubaix nude on a unicycle and you wouldn't hear a peep from the Spanish media.
They'd prefer a report on Dani Pedrosa's love for his helmet or on the current state of Fernando Torres' hair.

Oscar calls him "Capitán Esprint"

Dani and the love of his life.

That's right, Fernando. That shaved eyebrow makes you look tough.


Magnus said...

Totally agree with you. The Spanish "audience" don`t care about the classics what so ever. Therefore, Freire doesn`t get the attention he`s worthy of. And, yeah, Fernando Torres looks oh so cool with that eyebrow of his.

platogrande said...

¡Visca el Barça!

Errr, ¡Aupa Oscar!