Monday, March 26, 2007

King James Bible Bicycle

Dwayne Wade made it cool for NBA players to ride a bicycle, but only in the process of shilling for Lincoln's pimp mobile Navigator SUV. Wade's '03 Draft classmate Lebron James, though, is putting his money where his mouth is, purchasing an undisclosed interest in Cannondale.

Lebron leads the pack into the finishing straight

I'll be honest, this news makes me feel funny inside. I am certainly happy to see an athlete from the Four Major US Sports(TM) (someone tell me why hockey still counts) promoting bike riding. On the other hand I have to wonder why someone didn't tell Lebron to invest in a cool company like Orbea or maybe even Cervélo if he wanted to keep it real on the NA continent.

Still, "King James" should be applauded for running an annual bike event to help out single moms:

Cannondale has teamed up with LeBron to provide bicycles for the James Family Foundation’s annual “King for Kids Bike-a-thon,” a charity bike ride event in Akron which benefits children and single mothers. For the 2006 bike-a-thon, the company designed and manufactured a custom bike for LeBron based on the Caffeine™ model design, which he has subsequently incorporated into his training regimen.
Notice also that Lebron now includes riding in his training regimen. Yeah, well I may have a vertical of about six inches but I'll bet I could drop his 6'8", 240lb ass on any terrain, any day. You hear that 'Bron-'Bron? I'm callin' you out son!

1 comment:

mr60% said...

By the way, those are mostly his kids that he's raising money for.