Friday, May 18, 2007

Touched by an Uncle

We're back! Hoo-ray!
What's that you ask? Where are the changes we promised?
Uh, we made all of that up. Of course we did! Ha! We're pretty wacky here at Cycopaths HQ.
Before you go back to your porn sites, I'd like to stress that the Cycopaths took their hiatus out of necessity. Platogrande and I set out to answer one of life's fundamental questions: are there more important things in life than this blog. (maybe!)
Platogrande used his free time to graduate with a doctorate in philosophy from a prestigious Ivy League (!) University in NYC.
No, really.
We here at Cycopaths are very proud.
That brings the total number of Cycopaths bloggers with PhD's to two, and by two I mean one.
Mr. 60% used his free time to focus on his amateur bike racing career. Too bad they don't give degrees for getting dropped. I'd be a Nobel Laureate! Yay!
In any case, the cycling world has been quiet and scandal free as of late (Item! What's this we hear about Landis testing positive at the Tour?) but we're ready to cover it as soon as it picks up.
Also, what is Danilo DiLuca doing interviewing Greg Lemond in California? Isn't he leading a race somewhere in Europe (Tirreno-Adriatico)? Is it even legal to be so handsome?
With so many questions, it looks like we got back just in time!

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