Sunday, January 21, 2007

NFL Players say "no" to Dick

Dick Pounder and his WADA goons, that is. NFL Players' Union executive director Gene Upshaw questions WADA's reliability:

"I have no confidence in WADA or their kits," Upshaw told the Observer in an e-mail. "I have my doubts about WADA and their history. I am not willing to accept them as an authority on this."

It's shocking that a players' union would try to block a doping test. Next thing you know, baseball players won't want steroid tests and 40%+ of cyclist will want therapeutic use exemptions. On the other hand, WADA's credibility being challenged is a Good Thing(TM). I'm with Gene; I have no confidence in WADA, unless of course by confidence you mean belief in the ability to ruin lives.

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