Sunday, January 28, 2007

VDB, Mussseuw: "Why You Gotta Bring Up Old Shit?"

Both VDB and Johan Musseuw are back in the news for all the wrong reasons.

Johan has admitted to using performing enhancing drugs, but says he only did so during his last year as a professional. At a press conference on Tuesday:

"In the last year of my career, I made a mistake. I wanted to finish my career beautifully. So I did things that weren't allowed. In preparation for a few important races, I did not play the game one hundred percent honestly."

One bad year shouldn't taint a whole career, right?
Bravo, Johan, bravo. Few cyclists have the cojones to go on record with their moral relativist beliefs. Mr. 60% applauds you. Besides, you were busy during your last year anointing the new Lion of Flanders. It was beautiful when you passed the torch to Tornado Tom. I just hope you didn't share needles.

And what of VDB? I'm starting to confuse him with Kate Moss' boyfriend, old what's his name. How can someone who's achieved so little demand so much attention?
The latest controversy surrounding Vandenbroucke concerns his alleged used of two ampules of testosterone back in 1999. Admitting it would be one thing, but VDB swears he's innocent (remember). He won in Liege and Het Volk in '99, and nothing of value since. So why bring this up now?

Mr. 60% doesn't see a point; He cheated on his first girlfriend during his freshman year, but he's not going to track her down now and buy her a pearl necklace.


medusa said...

pearl necklace?

sandnsea said...

I see your point. And besides, I gave your girlfriend a pearl necklace last week. Let me know if she wants another...