Monday, February 19, 2007

Safer Than Orange Juice

So Jason Donald made a big splash at his first professional race.

Second! Wow!

Good for him.
Quick, someone cut a check for his Doctor.

It may come as a shock, but Mr. 60 is rather cynical about this miracle ride. Are we really supposed to believe that this unheralded neo-pro pulled off the ride of his life? It's not like he's a young phenom anyway; he's 27.

OK. Miracles do happen. There is a Tooth Fairy and we've recently been to a magical land of shiny, happy unicorns.

Wait. Jason rides for (the unfortunately rhyming) Team Slipstream?

Aren't they the team that Platogrande analysed so eloquently last week?

They're the team that tests their riders more than all others, right?

Oh, well, that changes everything.

They are clean beyond question.

You see, even if Jason had won the three kilometer race by an hour, he's beyond reproach. They swear they're not doping. Who are we to judge?

Welcome to cycling post-Puerto.

Relax and enjoy this one Jason! They don't even test for EPO here in California!


Anonymous said...

Just because you're old and your geriatric tricycle won't be ready for two more weeks because the basket you ordered from Martha Stewart is out of stock is no reason to assume this guys is anything but talented. Jealousy is the cloak of the cheeto-eater.

Anonymous said...

it is worthless opinions like this that only serve to perpetuate the negative aspects of cycling as a sport. it is damaging to the atheletes, the teams, and most importantly, THE FANS.

get a life... he lost to levi by one second... the difference... donald had a tailwind, and levi had a headwind.

baseless rants like yours are shameful and uninformend. if cycling's own fans are the first to burn atheletes at the stake without proof, where is the future of our sport? ...hey... maybe this blog will get a job at WADA!!

instead of perpetuating the problem, how about offering a solution, or at the very least some type of informed criticism. at least team slipstream is actively and publicly committed to ethics in cycling, which is more than can be said for most teams in the pro peloton.

mr60% said...

Dear Anonymous,

You raise a good point: you're an idiot.
Spare us all your simple minded criticism, and come back when you understand satire.

Your friend,
Mr. 60