Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dead is Better

Some philosophers (notably utilitarians) have argued that lying is not prohibited in certain circumstances, such as when telling a lie will save an innocent life. Some philosophers have also argued that paternalistic lying, or lying for the good of those lied to, is justified, even if it violates their autonomy.
And then there is Tyler Hamilton.

He is the Epimenides paradox incarnate.

"All Cretans are liars," said Epimenides the Cretan.

"I don't know this guy [Spanish doctor Eufemiano Fuentes]. I've never met this guy. If somebody has a question, please ask me. Sure they've sent my name out to the press and I've basically gotten railroaded. But they haven't asked for my hair. If you want my hair, take it." said Tyler.

Oh, well, that pretty much clears it up all up, right? Thank you for your honesty, Tyler.
Ah, but wait. He somehow fails to mention this:

Right. The receipt for doping treatments and supplies from Dr. Fuentes to his wife, Haven.

If Tyler didn't dope, and Haven is spending 40,000 Euro on doping products then what's going on?

This could mean one only thing:

They are going to raise Tugboat from the dead and nurse him back to health.

All the Cycopaths can say is: don't do it, Tyler.
Animals who have been resurrected in this fashion are never the same.

Speaking of liars, Floyd and Tyler share the same lawyer: Howard Jacobs.

We miss him too, Tyler.

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