Thursday, April 5, 2007

This Week In Stomach Ailments: Gastroenteritis

It was announced today that cycling's own flying monkey, Robbie McEwen, will not take part in Sunday's Tour of Flanders after suffering from gastroenteritis at the Three Days of De Panne.
This got us thinking: Just what is this mysterious Gastroenteritis? Could Robbie have contacted this dreaded ailment from his son, the unfortunately named Ewen McEwen?

Mr. 60 investigates.
Gastroenteritis is a general term referring to inflammation or infection of the gastrointestinal tract, primarily the stomach and intestines. It can be caused by infection with bacteria, viruses, or other parasites, or less commonly reactions to new foods or medications. Many times it involves stomach pain (sometimes to the point of crippling), diarrhea and/or vomiting, with noninflammatory infection of the upper small bowel, or inflammatory infections of the colon.

Wow! So it's the argy bargy of the colon! Maybe sprinters aren't so tough after all.

In Australia they bury it in the sand.


Anonymous said...

you are out of control. first the mouse tittie, now this. if i hadn't learned that lesson, i'd have a crush on you right now.

mr60% said...

My dear anonymous,

If you are who I think you are, I am more than flattered by your comment. And thanks for releasing those nice British sailors!