Saturday, April 14, 2007

USADA be hatin', tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty

In a stunning show of hypocrisy, USADA is demanding that that Floyd Landis' negative urine samples from le Tour '06 be retested. By the same lab that French @#$%ed up in the first place. The same lab that has a disturbing history of testing errors.

We here at Cycopaths universally condemn dopers, but we don't always agree on who is a doper. Tyler? Posterboy. Mancebo? Retired-then-not, what do you think? Jan? We know the story there. On Floyd's case, however, there is no meeting of minds; indeed, there is a decided difference of opinion.

Some fans of cycling, this reporter among them, are able to distinguish between "guilty", "not guilty" and "innocent". Is anyone in the pro peloton truly innocent? We will never know. Floyd appears to fall into the "not guilty" category, a victim of angry little men in suits. The comical inconsistencies in the testing of Floyd's samples, with the equally ridiculous insistence, flying in the face of reason and scientific convention, on unblinded re-testing by a suspect lab smacks of saving face by rigging results. Why not acquiesce to Floyd's request that the samples be tested at the UCLA lab too? Do USADA, WADA and their posse think Floyd's got some pull there?

Tell me again why we trust the dope testers any more than the peloton.

1 comment:

DBrower said...

Well said. Picked up in the roundup of Landis news at trust but verify.